Your home contains your most valuable belongings, from electronics and jewelry to vehicles and furniture. Using fake security signs will put so much risk on your belongings – continue reading to learn more.

You Can Be Outsmarted
Smart Thieves Can Google: If a burglar has their eyes on your home, and they really want to know if you have a security system or not, it’s easy for them to find out. Nowadays, a burglar can whip out a smartphone, Google the security system name on your yard sign, and find out if it’s real or not. Source: Linkedin
One Layer of Deterrence
Criminals look for a sure thing. If they think that the risk is not worth the reward, they move on. For this reason, displaying security signs and window decals is a great first step in crime prevention. They are however, only one step in the many it takes in protecting your home. Source: ASGSecurity
Signs May Be Unconvincing
Fake security system signs may display brands that sound and/or look fake, or display no brand at all. If you’re actually going to go this route, make sure it’s looks the part. Source: SafeWise
To install a real security system in your home, contact us here:
Mr. Locksmith Vancouver
Phone: (604) 239-0882