False alarms can be some of the most serious, costly and frustrating problems facing the alarm community today. We’ll help by outlining below some ways to reduce false alarms which might be of interest to you!
Below are 3 ways to reduce false alarms:
Utilize a Brief Familiarization Period
- Hold regularly scheduled training sessions to ensure all employees are aware of any changes to the system (e.g., pass codes).
- Be aware of holiday-related false alarms due to untrained seasonal or temporary help, carelessness due to long hours or office parties.
- Ensure all doors and windows are secure and locked prior to arming the system.
- Inform the monitoring center of new pass codes and arming codes, and of new or removed authorized users.
- If there is a question as to whether or not the anti-theft system is working properly, immediately contact the security provider to check the status of the alarm system and devices.
- Service and maintain the system regularly (including batteries) before false alarms occur. Source: ADT
Instruct All Alarm Users
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do your kids know how to arm and disarm the security system?
- Does anyone who has a key to your home (cleaning crew, maid, etc) know how to use the security system and have a passcode?
- Have you and your family rehearsed how to cancel an alarm once it has gone off?
Make sure you educate those who need to use your security system. This helps prevent false alarms. Source: AckerManSecurity
Choose the Right Home Security System
The individual circumstances of a homeowner will determine what type of system is appropriate. For example, some home security systems are installed by licensed professionals, while others are installed by the homeowner. An elderly homeowner with limited mobility would likely not have the capability to install a home security system. Pet owners would also want to ensure the sensors and detectors are pet-friendly. Homeowners should take the time to learn about the features of the best home security systems before making a selection. Source: Clevelandcounty
For more tips, don’t hesitate to contact us here!
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(604) 239-0882